Adult Swim Part I - Space Ghost & Harvey Birdman (w/Alison Lührs)

Adult Swim Part I - Space Ghost & Harvey Birdman (w/Alison Lührs)
SMT Podcasts

NO KIDS IN THE POOL! This week kicks off our summertime arc-venture with a special slate of shows for the grown-ups. Alison “Brioche Contessa” Lührs is back to reminisce on the galaxy’s greatest talk show, and there’s also a bird lawyer in there somewhere.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
I think we all just want to smash light bulbs with our friend from workWe don’t have anything left to say about Birdman Not the movie by Alejandro IñárrituThe cartoon that stinks *That* Birdman


  • Space Ghost Coast to Coast S6E7, “Fire Ant”

  • Space Ghost Coast to Coast S7E3, “Knifin’ Around”

  • Harvey Birdman S2E1, “Blackwatch Plaid”

  • Harvey Birdman S3E2, “Harvey’s Civvy”

The Hosts: Andrew Eric Davison, Austin Bridges, Rory Voie
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs
Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison

Magical Girls Part IX - High-Femme Trickery (w/Alison Lührs)

Magical Girls Part IX - High-Femme Trickery (w/Alison Lührs)
SMT Podcasts

A high seas whoopsie keeps Rory’s spirit from entering our realm, so welcome the immediate return of Guest Host Alison “The Mario Kart From Nintendo’s Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Nintendo Switch” Lührs for the final bow of Revolutionary Girl Utena.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Alison can finally unload decades of Rini feelingsWould you betray your mother’s pancakes for your friend’s cookies?The must-see debut of Father PuppetsUtena’s true transformation is somehow wearing a high-collar uniform underneath a low-cut strapless gownAnthy gets Carrie’d by a champagne boy


  • Sailor Moon R Episode 26 (66), “Rubeus Evens the Score”

  • Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 3, “On the Night of the Ball”

The Hosts: Andrew Eric Davison, Austin Bridges
Guest Host: Alison Lührs
Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison
Missing in Action: Rory Voie

Magical Girls Part VII - On Her Majesty’s Basketball Harem (w/Alison Lührs)

Magical Girls Part VII - On Her Majesty’s Basketball Harem (w/Alison Lührs)
SMT Podcasts

A new show joins our magical pantheon: Revolutionary Girl Utena! We summoned forth Alison “Backpack Snake“ Lührs from her crystal moon palace with the promise of sapphic 90’s anime, and for once we didn’t disappoint.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Austin violates the Magical Geneva Convention The only show where the stairs are a magical girl Utena scrapes by a wardrobe violation using the Air Bud Defense Amy’s “chess friends” don’t count as real friendsTake a number if you want to partake of her highness’s royal towel sweat

Today’s Episode Sponsor: Green Bean Cabin™


  • Sailor Moon R Episode 24 (64), “Checkmate”

  • Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 1, “The Rose Bride”

The Hosts: Andrew Eric Davison, Austin Bridges, Rory Voie
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs

Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison

Spaced-Out Teens Part III - Tallstyles of the Rich & Famous (w/Todd & Alison)

Spaced-Out Teens Part III - Tallstyles of the Rich & Famous (w/Todd & Alison)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

We’re thrilled to keep this Teen Spaceship blasting forward with SMT’s very first self-kissing podcast guests, Todd & Alison! Never mind the visit from notorious auditory villain, Zoltrax, or the escaped rock ‘n’ roll gorilla prince who stole our hearts.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
The boys are confronted with their incompatibility as a throuple The Italian circus brothers shouldn’t run a circus Every circus has a self destruct button, right? All monarchies should be determined by car race Should we censor when the sandwich sh*ts out another sandwich??

Today’s Episode Sponsor: Practice Teeth™


  • Beverly Hills Teens Episode 49, “Rampage”

  • Galaxy High Episode 3, “The Beef Who Would Be King”

The Hosts: Andrew Eric Davison, Austin Bridges, Rory Voie
Fabulous Guests: Alison Lührs and Todd Durboraw

Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison

Patreon Poll Special - Clone High (w/Alison Lührs)

Patreon Poll Special - Clone High (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Dust off your vials of old-timey DNA and laugh along with Alison “Bees of the Southern Wild” Lührs’ favorite cartoon, Clone High! That’s right, we watched the recently renewed CLONE HIGH and have appropriately tempered our expectations.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Austin laps at a log for morsels like the Point Anteater he is We’re willing to let Rory dislike the show, so long as he never tells us or anyone We know this is an audio podcast, but trust us, we all did synchronized cabbage patches We’re dying to know more about Dreidelstein and King Kwanzaa

Today’s Episode Sponsor: Norman and the Horse™


  • Clone High Episode 2, “Election Blu-Galoo”

  • Clone High Episode 11, “Snowflake Day: A Very Special Holiday Episode”

The Hosts: Andrew Eric Davison, Austin Bridges, Rory Voie
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs

Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison

Sailor Moon R Part IV - Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Moon (w/Alison Lührs)

Sailor Moon R Part IV - Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Moon (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

We’re joined on the first day of band class with fellow student Alison “Xbox Pasta Pass” Lührs for an expert’s opinion on Week IV of Sailor Moon R! Get ready for “squid costumes” and the Xxplosive rise of Andy’s beatbox career.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
First theme isn’t always best theme Raye has a legion of fans ready to get stepped on Concert naps are super normal Sex flute riot For some reason North America had trouble identifying a hot dog

Today’s Episode Sponsor: Dr. Starwörs, MD™


  • Sailor Moon Episode 48, “Raye's Day in the Spotlight”

  • Sailor Moon Episode 49, “Food Fetish”

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Seattle), Rory Voie (Seattle)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)

Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle)

Jackie Chan Adventures Part IV - Timothée Chalamet's Lasér Tiger (w/Alison Lührs)

Jackie Chan Adventures Part IV - Timothée Chalamet's Lasér Tiger (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Parting is such sweet sorrow. Alison “Miniature Donkey Talk“ Lührs helps us bid farewell to our highly successful Jackie Chan Adventures arc, but not before an exhaustive play-by-play on this weird man’s strategic pie consumption.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
This sale at Sur La Table is important to exactly two people Evil Jackie Chan is a F-ing rockstar Some contests are worth going elbow-deep for Shendu makes the ‘Orbs 50 under 50 Ft. list Don’t make me carry bazookas for no reason, Uncle Conveniently leave all the talismans in Hong Kong so there’s still a show next season

Today’s Episode Sponsor: Boyfriend Sauce™


  • Jackie Chan Adventures Episode 12, “The Tiger and the Pussycat”

  • Jackie Chan Adventures Episode 13, “Day of the Dragon”

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Seattle)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)

Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle)

Cadillacs & Dinosaurs & Gargoyles Part II (w/Alison Lührs)

Cadillacs & Dinosaurs & Gargoyles Part II (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

We’re back for more Cadillacs, more dinosaurs, and more of Mickey’s nasty bat friends (Gargoyles). Special guest Alison “Bog Sommelier” Lührs joins us at our Victorian swoon party for Byronic howling hunks. Quahoon!

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Cowboys are ancient warlocks • Running Quahoon Count: 6 Apparently cartoons in the 90s could just say whatever Wait until Bezos mounts a castle on his downtown balls Tune in for a special Salute to our Goons

Today’s Episode Sponsor: Hot Chips™


  • Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - Episode 2, "Dino Drive"

  • Gargoyles - Episode 2, “Awakening, Part 2"

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (San Diego)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)

Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle)

Special - Sky Dancers & Dragon Flyz (w/Alison Lührs)

Special - Sky Dancers & Dragon Flyz (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Special guest Alison “Promised Us Pasta” Lührs joins us in the studio to examine the smoking wreckage of the 90s “propeller weapon” craze that resulted in Sky Dancers and Dragon Flyz. Do their heavily gendered cartoons reach the heights of the toys?

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Batten down your manes, horse girls Dip ‘n’ rip off to the rocketship city of Airlandis, where we all share one dad Let the power of dance magic turn off your stupid science brain Queen Skyla lists every character in the show in extreme detail Problematic representation, ahoy!


  • Dragon Flyz - Episode 1, “Dragon Dawn”

  • Sky Dancers - Episode 1, “They Sky’s the Limit”

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)

Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle)

How To Keep A Mummy (w/Alison Lührs) (Mummy Stuff Part III)

How To Keep A Mummy (w/Alison Lührs) (Mummy Stuff Part III)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Since we’re doing Mummy Stuff, Rory thought it would be a good idea to watch a show called “How To Keep A Mummy.” As recurring best friend Alison “Has A Guest Host Punch Card” Lührs can attest, this was a bad move.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
The era of the kawaii mummy is here to stay Andy gets pulled out of the anime cage, Hannibal Lecter-style Mountain Justice means never having to say you’re sorry, with lightning When god gives you a box, he also gives you a smaller box, and in that box is just the stuff you were just doing

Today's Episode Sponsor: Pokémon Marriage & Divorce™


  • How To Keep A Mummy - Episode 1, "White, Round, Tiny, Wimpy and Ready"

  • How To Keep A Mummy - Episode 12, "Always Together"

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest:
Alison Lührs (Seattle)
Audio Production: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle)

Episode 42 - Sailor Moon Süper Season Finale (w/Alison Lührs)

Episode 42 - Sailor Moon Süper Season Finale (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Very special guest and legit sailor scout Alison “Hates” “Our” “Nicknames” Lührs returns once more to set the sun on our favorite moon princess. Do we give Serena (and our second season) the send-off they deserve?

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
We lay prostate before the Altar of the gilded Wing-Wong Queen Serenity’s lifesaving magic favors the top 1% of moonchildren One cool thing 90s kids will remember is failing us all Andy claims to just read fan-fiction as a hilarious bit Turns out Darien has *always* been a weird Victorian dinner guest Apparently a “Taiwanese Earthquake” isn’t a cocktail or a sex thing

Today's Episode Sponsor: The Urge™


  • Sailor Moon (DiC) - Episode 39: "The Past Returns"

  • Sailor Moon (DiC) - Episode 40: "Day of Destiny"

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)

The Dad (Audio Production): Kyle Levien (Seattle)

Alison & Sammy in the 22nd Century (w/Sherlock Holmes)

Alison & Sammy in the 22nd Century (w/Sherlock Holmes)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Consulting Guest Detectives Alison Lührs and Sammy Scott lend us their expertise in honey riddles and monkey puzzles. With Sherlock and his compudroid Watson. In the future. On the moon.

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Themes continue to be hilarious and not obtuse    Andy barely manages to flash us his Naruto unmentionables    Pterodactyls eat up precious moon-children    Austin spits on the sterling reputation of notorious moon-werewolf Michael Chiklis


  • Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century - Episodes 3, 7, and 23.
    Available on YouTube

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guests:
Alison Lührs and Sammy Scott (Seattle)
The Dad (Audio Production): Kyle Levien (Seattle)

Episode 27 - Joe’s Nut Mystery (w/Alison Lührs)

Episode 27 - Joe’s Nut Mystery (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

It’s no secret that Zoltrax, King of Riddles, haunts Taiwan with his sackful of lies, sowing discord wherever his pale train travels. This week is no different, when he snickers his ghoulish laugh and goobers up our good tracks. (Translation: Rory fucked up again, but like, don’t worry about it.)

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Special Guest Alison “I’m Above This” Lührs hates our tawdry lollipop theme    Sailor Moon tries out her fresh new catchphrases    Meet the hot new mascot for jurisprudent snack chips    Melodia “doesn’t” like getting chucked around like a bag of apples    Old Man Stargazer handin’ out crusty candy apples.

Today's Episode Sponsors: The Doritos Judicial Experience™ and Upside-Down Hats™


  • Sailor Moon (DiC) - Episode 23 - “Mercury's Mental Match”
    Available on (use AdBlock most def)

  • Silverhawks - Episode 13 - “The Milk Run”
    Available for purchase on Amazon Video

  • Digimon Adventure - Episode 26 - “Sora's Crest of Love”
    Available on Hulu

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)

The Dad (Audio Production): Kyle Levien (Seattle)

Episode 20 - The One True Frasier (w/Alison Lührs)

Episode 20 - The One True Frasier (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Get ready to toss your salads and scramble your eggs, cause it’s a Frasier episode! DISCLAIMER: this is not an actual episode of Frasier, nor do we watch or particularly discuss Frasier, it’s definitely just more anime

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Special Guest Alison Lührs hears the blues a-callin’    The Bank Planet of Do-lar needs to be FDIC-insured    If you piss yourself in the game, you die in real life    Tuxedo Mask gets werewolf rules with formalwear    Charon the Boatman ferries Andy through Hades and into the Jimmy Neutron Wiki

Today's Episode Sponsors: Time Parties™ & WetSheets™


  • Silverhawks - Episode 6 - "Darkbird"
    Available for purchase on Amazon Video

  • Digimon Adventure - Episode 19 - "The Prisoner of the Pyramid"
    Available on Hulu

  • Sailor Moon (DiC) - Episode 16 - "Who Is That Masked Man?"
    Available on (use AdBlock most def)

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)

The Dad (Audio Production): Kyle Levien (Seattle)

Episode 13 - Sexy Demon Gaslighting: A Sailor Moon Power Hour (w/Alison Luhrs)

Episode 13 - Sexy Demon Gaslighting: A Sailor Moon Power Hour (w/Alison Luhrs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Hey kids, we’re back in the pod-hole with our dear friend Sailor Alison. This episode we catch up on Sailor Moon while ignoring our digi-duties for a week. If you were curious whether Patamon was going to get straight murdered today or not, you’ll have to tune in next week to find out!

This week on Saturday Morning Tuesdays:
Rory makes a heinous auditory blunder  •  if(boyfriend) { do(naps); }  •  Andy’s Anime Demerits: 8 and counting  •  Raye and Serena battle to be top goggle-girl  •  We’re still wondering where the 50 theme park kidnap victims went  •  Sexy Cap’n Jed is undone by sporty photography

Today's Episode Sponsor: Secret Movies, Secret Movies About Dogs™


  • Sailor Moon (DiC) - Episode 8 - "Nightmare in Dreamland"
    Available on (use AdBlock most def)

  • Sailor Moon (DiC) - Episode 9 - "Cruise Blues"
    Available on (use AdBlock most def)

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)
The Dad (Audio Production): Kyle Levien (Seattle)

Episode 7 - Harnessing Beef Energy (w/ Alison Lührs)

Episode 7 - Harnessing Beef Energy (w/Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

Live from Infinity Mountain, it’s Saturday Morning Tuesdaaaaays! Featuring: Horse Robocop  •  Mr. Spaghetti  •  No Bonehead  •  A Shapeshifting Newslady  •  Prison for Melvins  •  And Musical Guest: Alison Lührs!

Today's Episode Sponsors: Bone Scoops™, Cabinet Juice™


  • Dinosaucers - Episode 7 - “Burgers Up!”
    Available on YouTube

  • Digimon Adventure - Episode 7 - “Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo”
    Available on Hulu

  • Sailor Moon (DiC) - Episode 2 - “Talk Radio”
    Available on (use AdBlock probs)

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)
The Dad (Audio Production): Kyle Levien (Seattle)

Special - Life with Louie (w/ Alison Lührs)

Special - Life With Louie (w/ Alison Lührs)
Saturday Morning Tuesdays

We’re taking a break from our ongoing format this week so we can bring you some fresh-squeezed nostalgia, straight from the Old-Times Tree. Get ready for a whirlwind tour through three seasons of the oft-forgotten Life with Louie!

Special guest Alison Lührs unlocks some childhood memories  •  Rory continues to find bees hilarious  •  Uncle Thermidor loses his will to live  •  Andy brings back his dumb segment  •  Austin teaches us all about the noble dung beetle


  • Life with Louie, S01E02 - “Dad Gets Canned”
    Available on YouTube

  • Life with Louie, S02E07 - “Buzz Stop”
    Available on YouTube

  • Life with Louie, S03E08 - “Close Encounters of the Louie Kind”
    Available on YouTube

The Boys: Andrew Eric Davison (Seattle), Austin Bridges (Portland), Rory Voie (Taipei)
Fabulous Guest: Alison Lührs (Seattle)
The Dad (Audio Production): Kyle Levien (Seattle)